Sunday, October 7, 2018

They fly the Spartacus Fake News banner 

It will come as a shock to absolutely no one that the Des Moines Register happily circulates Fake News as fast as Associated Press hacks can lift heaping and smelly shovels full.

Saturday's Register edition reprinted an AP piece under the name "Democrat Booker, fresh from Kavanaugh vote, makes Iowa debut."

"Booker, who voted against Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, had used his perch on the Senate Judiciary Committee to raise his national profile," read the off-puttingly tender article. 

Two misrepresentations were loyally crammed into the very next sentence:  "Most notably, he made public Kavanaugh's previously confidential emails about racial profiling sent during his time as a top aide to President George W. Bush."

And that was all.

Unwary readers were artfully directed to assume Kavanaugh had secretly communicated something dire in the "previously confidential" emails, and that Booker and his media accomplices, astride battle-steeds of Goodness, exposed the attempted wrongdoing. 

Indeed, while on the committee and before a camera, the White House aspirant had made much of his claimed flouting of binding rules to publicize "racial profiling" documents. 

But those messages had already been cleared for release, a fact the disingenuous, preening Booker knew fully well. The AP did not note his willful deceitfulness; instead, the press service rebroadcast it without warranted criticism.

The messages revealed Kavanaugh's opposition to racial profiling, certainly not any sort of endorsement of it. But that was the scurrilous implication calculatedly offered by both Booker and the Associated Press.

President Trump, in an email message to supporters following Saturday's Kavanaugh confirmation, noted that Democrats like Booker who had falsely smeared the nominee would in the future surely do the same to rank-and-file citizens who dared oppose them.

And when Democrats do, we can add, the biased Associated Press and ethically ramshackle ink-outlets like the Des Moines Register will surely trumpet the foul lies loudly and with gut-wrenching gusto.


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