Thursday, September 6, 2018

I am part of the America First movement that elected Donald Trump             

The New York Times recently published an anonymous op-ed, "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." Its author claimed to be working in the Trump White House.

At this writing, the author's true identity and nature of employment have not been established. Dinesh D'Souza has guessed the writer is actually a masked Times wordsmith, a sort of key-pounding Antifa bomb-chucker still furious over 2016 election results and the shift of power back into the rightful control of the citizenry.

But for the sake of considering a larger point, let's assume the Times op-ed writer is whom he claims, Someone within the White House has publicly bragged of acting surreptitiously to frustrate popular desire as expressed through the democratic process. 

It makes vivid that we citizens who would control our own government through electoral machinery made available to us by the Constitution are faced by an existential peril: A would-be permanent ruling class that is not only indifferent to our legitimate wishes but contemptuous of us for presuming to engineer our country's progress.

'Elections and administrations can come and go,' the Deep State effectively laughs. 'But nothing will transpire unless it serves our unelected ambitions. To Hell with the common man!'

The Washington Post followed the Times' lead, running a headline that boasted of woke "cells" in the U.S. government.

Deep States and underground subversive cells who daily endeavor to stifle the peoples' expressed will believe themselves to be superior to the common man. By pursuing paths rejected by voters, they seem to feel their subterfuge to be of noble nature. Any contrary perspectives 'the rabble' might harbor are insignificant to the supposed higher calling.

I voted for President Trump because I refuse to surrender my country, the one my forbears fought and died for, the nation that shines as an inspiration for men the world over, to people I never voted for and who are uninterested in its welfare.

I believe in America's promise of liberty. I want it to again be a successful, strong, safe nation with its own culture, laws, and borders. 

I continue to support President Trump and intend to vote for his 2020 re-election for host of splendid reasons: 

- He has inspired a return to patriotic spirit that nearly bursts open the chest. 

- The economy is reaching new heights, seemingly daily.  

- Employment is shattering old ceilings. 

- 'America First' has again taken its proper, top-most place in matters of international trade and diplomacy, and military strategizing. 

- His campaign pledge to safeguard Social Security and Medicare from the dollar-lusting predations of shifty-eyed legislators endures without pale. 

- And President Trump's opposition to sovereignty-strangling globalism is whole-hearted. His assertions of American exceptionalism and our country's singular authority and capacity swell the hearts of all but the most inconsequential.

Hold up; there's more.

- He has nominated to the land's most influential and august court jurists for whom the framers' original intent provides rock-solid guide. This guarantees that for future generations, the rights and liberties explicitly promised in the Constitution will remain safe from momentary whims and fanciful imaginings.
- America today enjoys new and great respect from foreign leaders. They've realized, doubtless to their grave disappointment, that there's a new sheriff in town, one who must be taken seriously. No more midnight flights of pallets bearing millions in U.S. tax-payer cash. No more pacts that sell out American interests. No more apologies or weakness.

- President Trump wisely took America's signature off of the Paris Climate Accord which elevated foreign nations' interests and disserved our own. He has ripped up NAFTA, and is renegotiating with trading partners.

- Illegal border crossings have plummeted. Law enforcement knows this president has its back. Consumer confidence has soared. Bill after legislative bill has passed through the congress and received his signature. America recorded a budget surplus. The counterproductive over regulation that had for so many years strangled American small business was been slashed.

- And he has correctly identified "Fake news" as the enemy of the American people. Not journalism in toto, but only its scuzzy bastard variety. American journalism has a long and estimable record of challenging elected leaders in the interest of a trusting public. To best chart the course of a nation, citizens need full and unbiased presentation of essential information. "Fake news," on the other hand, does not serve that legitimate end. Given its potential for misleading voters and harming our nation, it truly is an enemy to be reviled.

The New York Times doesn't support America, its people, or President Trump. But we already knew that. And anyway, when were that paper's prejudices ever of practical consequence?


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