Thursday, August 23, 2018

Behind clownish son lurks true villain
Denver's Jordan and Mayor Michael Hancock spectacle


Now internationally viral is the below video of a smirking and laughing Jordan Hancock, son of Denver's Mayor Michael Hancock, cursing a policeman and berating him with anti-gay slurs. The officer had pulled Hancock over for speeding 65 mph in a 40 mph zone. 

Reportedly, officers also discovered he'd been driving with a suspended license.

Denver 7 ABC affiliate report:

Two officers were suspended after the incriminating video was released to the press. The mayor, one suspects, abused the power of his office to give cover to his miserable progeny.

The incident occurred last March. Jordan Hancock was driving his father's vehicle, boasted of his familial tie to city government, and threatened the officer with retaliatory firing.

In 2015, the same Jordan Hancock was involved in a Fort Collins drive-by shooting. The Denver Post reported at the time he "mislead investigators after the shooting. Hancock declined to speak to a Denver Post reporter when contacted about the case..." 

(As seen in the above video, Jordan again wordlessly fled reporters covering this new assault.)

There are two possible explanations for Jordan Hancock's attacks on police and refusals to cooperate with them. One is that he is simply not particularly bright or mature. Stupid people do stupid things.

But another explanation, this one far more dire, may account for his egregious crime: There is reason to suspect Jordan learned his contempt for American law officers from his office-holding father. 

The Hancock household may be one in which lip-curled contempt for law and order is passed down by the mayor, himself.

Earlier, Mayor Hancock defiantly refused to allow Denver's police to assist the men and women of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), who defend American citizens against human and drug trafficking, as well as other despicable crimes perpetrated by some illegal immigrants. 

A January 3 AP article noted ICE Director Thomas Homan told Fox News interviewer Neil Cavuto that the Department of Justice should file charges against sanctuary cities' officials, and that federal funds should be withheld from such outlaw jurisdictions.

"We've got to start charging some of these politicians with crimes," Homan said.

Mayor Hancock's office responded with a defiant statement reported in a Denver Post article

"In Denver, we stand firmly for the ideals of inclusion, acceptance, and opportunity, and no threat will ever make us waver from that. We won't let the hate and wrong-thinking of others divide us or our city, and we will continue taking steps that reassure residents that we have their backs as the White House continues to use bravado and bluster as substitutes for real solutions."

Mayor Hancock, as reflected by that wording, seems to class as "hate and wrong-thinking" Americans maintaining citizenship standards, and our duly authorized police officers enforcing democratically enacted laws. 

The disregard for and hostility toward law and order of which Denver's mayor boasts (and that his son acts out) have no legitimate place in a civilized society. They are of a part with the anti-American bigotry that inspires Antifa and the general "Resistance' to oppose democratic elections, burn cities, shut down speakers, and defy President Trump at every turn and in every manner imaginable.

The Hancock father and son are actors in a detestable horror show.

The Post itself wrote: 

"In September [2017], 63 people living in the Denver area were apprehended by federal immigration authorities in 'Operation Safe City'...the agency said the operation specifically took place in cities where ICE deportation officers are not allowed access to jails to interview people and in jurisdictions in which ICE detainers are not honored."

(Here in Iowa, we are presently dealing with the tragic murder of Mollie Tibbetts, allegedly at the hands of someone in America illegally. That suspected killer's criminal residency in our country would have enjoyed the reprehensible Mayor Hancock's sanction.)

Unfortunately, the Denver mayor's exploitation of legitimate law enforcement officers didn't end with his effective abetting of definitionally criminal illegal immigrants. In 2017, he admitted to repeatedly sexually harassing a Denver police officer, Leslie Branch-Wise. 

Hancock, though, objected to the "sexual harassment" designation. And in that, we see another illustration of the haughty Hancock disdain for the rules of society; not only did the mayor assume his authority granted him latitude to prey on a subordinate, but also felt he could override objective criminal terminology when it benefited him.

So, it seems young Jordan felt emboldened to vent his anti-police bigotry by a belief that proximity to power would shield him from the lawful punishment you or I would surely suffer, were we in his circumstance.

Jordan Hancock is a crude and buffoonish example of the presumed 'above the law' attitude authority breeds in the lowest among us. 

But Mayor Michael Hancock indulges his own bigotry against police subtly and with unctiousness. Because of that, he poses a far greater peril to the safety of Denver's citizens, and to the very concept of law and order in a civilized society. 

By misusing his authority to favor illegal immigrants over Denver's lawful citizens, Mayor Hancock perpetrates a deadly corrosiveness beside which the scofflaw antics of his loosely-wrapped son Jordan are merely rebarbative.


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