Sunday, August 12, 2018

The girl who cried N-word

"Turning on the man who helped create her brand, fund her venture, and gave her a top White House job for personal gain is very disloyal. A racist, by definition, would not give a strong black woman the time, nor the opportunity. Most people know what's up here."
- Former Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, Aug. 10 tweet. 

News readers will recall that last year, fired advisor Omarosa Manigault Newman had to be escorted off the Trump White House grounds. 

Unfortunately, the woman scorned is back. New book in clawed hand, she is attempting to re-navigate her wobbly-wheeled smear-jalopy, despite its previous and ignominious crashes.

But by now, everyone is wise to her racket.

She recently told The Guardian that the president uses the N-word in private, and that mysterious tapes are lying about somewhere that document his doing so.

The damning reels she spoke of sound like the ones Hollywood has-been Tom Arnold mouth-foams about. But if such tapes were actual, they certainly would have surfaced by now to great spotlighting by political oppugners and the pavlovian antagonistic media. 

Certainly, tapes would have blown up the campaign, when Never Trumpers were in full, wrathful seethe.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued a statement in response to the N-word charge Omarosa made: "It's sad that a disgruntled former White House employee is trying to profit off these false attacks, and even worse that the media would now give her a platform, after not taking her seriously when she had only positive things to say about the president during her time in the administration."

President Trump put it more succinctly when asked by a reporter during a Bikers For Trump event: "Lowlife. She's a lowlife."

In her book, Omarosa reportedly claims only to have heard of the tapes' existence. But in at least one promotional interview, she changed her recollection and alleged to have heard a recording, herself. 

Too, she raised a totally new claim: that Trump's alleged N-word use had also been heard by pollster Frank Luntz.

Luntz wasted no time dismissing Omarosa's assertion. Per The Hill, he tweeted: "I'm in @Omarosa's book on page 149. She claims to have heard from someone who heard from me that I heard Trump use the N-word. Not only is this flat-out false (I've never heard such a thing), but Omarosa didn't even make an effort to call or email me to verify. Very shoddy work."

To be blunt, Omarosa owes her professional everything to Donald Trump. He gave her sorely needed spotlight on The Apprentice, later fueled her commercial ventures, and retained her as White House adviser. 

For a December 12, 2016 Hollywood Reporter guest column ("Omarosa: I'm black, female, and Donald Trump is my friend"), she told writer Seth Abramovitch: "In my experiences with him, he has only been professional. I am aware of the perceptions. But he is open-minded: He does not judge people on their gender or race. He judges them on their ability to do the job."

Earlier that year, after Omarosa was named the Trump campaign's director of African American outreach, she was publicly criticized by film director/militant midget * Spike Lee. 

She responded in a July USA Today interview. "I am proud to serve in that role," she said. "It is a very difficult time for our country, but the good thing I know is that I know Donald Trump as a friend. I know his heart...And I know what he can do in this role...Donald Trump is focused on improving the conditions of African-Americans in this country."

(Indeed, recent glowing reports reveal black unemployment numbers have never been lower than they are, now.)

This is certainly not Omarosa's first time making the rancid N-word claim. Indeed, her related fulminations coincide with brand-building ventures such as this new book, television interviews, and the program of her own she used to claim various producers were offering her, but that never materialized.

Following her 2004 Apprentice firing by host Trump, Omarosa 
made the press rounds, including ABC's The View. She alleged her fellow contestants had subjected her to racist slurs like the N-word. They and show producer Mark Burnett were flabbergasted, denying anything of the sort had ever taken place.

Interviewed by MSNBC's Lester Holt, contestant Ereka Vetrini said "The N-word was never uttered on the show. It doesn't exist in my vocabulary. None of the other contestants said that, either...If we did say it, that would make television. That's good TV. And if anyone did say it, why didn't she bring it up then, not six weeks later?"

Vetrini passed a lie detector test conducted in 2004 on the Howard Stern Show. TV newsmagazine Extra! reported Omarosa refused to answer questions pertaining to Vetrini's test, abruptly walking away from a reporter. And she fled a subsequent Jimmy Kimmel Show appearance after spotting on set a lie detector intended for a different show skit.

Omarosa may possess various attributes. But as her sorry record attests, integrity seems absent from their number. She presumably had some skills from which President Trump felt his administration could benefit. But in hindsight, hiring her was not one of his sounder decisions.

Perhaps some who truly have suffered the detestable N-word slur feel an instinctive moral obligation to stand with Omarosa. They may believe her garish indictments despite her offering nothing in the way of evidence. They might feel her fight is their fight.

But the plausible is not ipso facto actual. And legitimate grievances are diminished and their validity cheapened when unprincipled charlatans abuse the sympathies of good people, that they might profit, personally. 

It is an ugly truth that once in awhile, a person rises who is so bereft of decency and conscience that they exploit weighty matters of consequence to entire cultures. So selfish are they, that they care not about the tremendous damage their grotesque escapades leave behind. 

Those individuals, Omarosa being one example, are beneath contempt.

* A fondly recalled James Evans/John Amos epithet.


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