Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The evil Democrats do                          

(From AOL.com)

(From Rebrm.com)

As wonderfully refreshing as has been the Donald Trump presidency and Kavanaugh confirmation, this era has also unmasked the true and truly ghastly face of today's Democrat Party.

I might applaud that instructive product, were the poisonous visage not so ugly.

Indeed, such is the rapidity with which new examples of execrable violent political hatred from Democrats leap up, this essay will doubtless need updating as soon as it's posted.

Nevertheless, I'll persist.

- Following his vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner reported his wife was sent a threatening online message that included a beheading video. 

- Also following that vote, LifeNews.com reported that U.S. senators had received numerous threats of violence and assassination, some expressed in the vilest of language. Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee told Daily Wire "We've been through this in the past, but this is the worst it's been since I've been here...There's something underlying there that we're experiencing throughout the country right now..."

- So confident was Georgetown Professor Christine Fair that her hate would go without criticism she tweeted; "Look at that chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: We castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes."

(PJ Media reported Professor Fair administers an anti-men site on which she freely doxxes opponents' home addresses, phone numbers, family members' information, and other personal data.)

- Merely four days prior to this writing, a Google lead designer named Dave Hogue tweeted to Republicans "You are finished, GOP. You have polished the last nail in your coffin. FUCK. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL. I hope the last images burned into your slimy evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames." (Google, which is notorious for politically biased, viewpoint-discriminatory clampdowns on user expression, defended the vicious and horrible Hogue.)

Breitbart reported recently that the wife of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has taken to sleeping with a gun under her pillow, so many and of such grisly despicableness have been the hate messages hurled at her, of late. 

(From Afro.com)

- The Washington Times just reported a Minnesota teacher named Samantha Ness asked, on Twitter "So whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?" 

Democrats might well argue that the examples presented above were of speech and not action. They would regret speaking up. For here are sickening illustrations of the physical assaults some Democrats perpetrate. (Remember, they pat themselves on the back, assuring observers that they are the 'good people.')

Democrat leaders including Rep. Maxine Waters, DNC head Tom Perez, and Sen. Cory Booker urge supporters to confront Republicans, including when in private settings. And numerous administration officials and office-holders have been harrassed and driven from restaurants and movie theaters.

Other reported incidents include Resistance rioters destroying journalists' equipment; a progressive woman jabbing pregnant Infowars reporter Millie Weaver in her stomach; a Texas man snatching a MAGA hat off a teen's head and cursing at him; college Democrats stealing a student's MAGA hat; protesters pounding on the Supreme Court's doors; a shooter inspired by the SPLC's untrue smearing of a pro-life group to open fire on its office; and numerous incidents of property destruction and physical assaults perpetrated during Trump Inauguration Day rioting in Washington, DC. (During which Madonna infamously intoned "I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.")

(From PacificPundit.com)

During the presidential contest, a video of racist, liberal Chicago thugs physically torturing with a razor a kidnapped, gagged, and bound retarded man went viral. The thugs assailed the man for being white and presumably supportive of Trump. Around the same time, video surfaced of more Chicagoans cheering the gang beating of a suspected Trump supporter.

(From BoredonAndGomorrah.com)

In such feeble counter as they're able to mount, Democrats generally point to obscure and isolated oddballs unconnected to serious conservatives and who've been roundly denounced by same.

But Democrat hate is applauded by office-holders like Cory Booker and Dianne Feinstein; show business celebrities such as Cher, Tom Arnold, Joy Behar, and Rosie O'Donnell; legal/electoral figures like Michael Avenatti; sports nabobs like LeBron James and entire teams of anti-American anthem-kneelers; and talk-show baggy pants commentators like Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher.

Remember, too, that future President Barack Obama launched his campaign in the apartment of his friend and patron Bill Ayres, an unrepentant 1960s political terrorist and bomber.

And Democrats revere as some noble 'people's folk hero' Assata Shakur nee Joanna Chesimard, who in 1973 murdered State Trooper Werner Foerster and later fled to the warmly welcoming embrace of communist Cuba.

(From Counterpunch.org)

(From LeftVoice.com)

During the Kavanaugh hearing, swarms of clownishly clad  dyspeptics filled the Washington street outside the senate building, as well as the gallery. As laughable as their infantile bellows and tantrums seemed to rational television viewers, though, they surely were no laughing matter to responsible legislators trying to perform adult constitutional duties.

(From Oanow.com)

Hardly a week passes without incidents of terrorist or illegal immigrant violence and murders, and sometimes-fatal attacks on law enforcement officers. Policies enabling these are routinely championed by Democrat elected officials like California Gov. Jerry Brown, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Kamala Harris, New Jersey flavor-of-the-month Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and erstwhile vice president Joe Biden.

(From Vidostream)

(From RedState.com)

(From CatholicVote.org)

The enthusiasm with which political violence is perpetrated by liberals does not stop at national boundaries. "Man caught on camera kicking pro-life protester at anti-abortion rally," was an October UK Independent headline. The man, identified as Jordan Hunt of Justin Trudeau's Canada, had grinningly roundhouse-kicked a woman pro-lifer.

And of course, the Democrat Party supports the abortion industry, which has killed millions of babies since Roe v Wade's 1973 passage. 


Illustrative quotes, not arranged chronologically:

"Already, you have members of your cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants...who have protesters taking up at their house...Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere!"
- Sen. Maxine Waters

(It's indicative of Democrats' unreasonableness that they at once tell fellow Americans they are unwelcome in this country, while assuring illegal immigrants 'You're welcome here.')

"I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people would not be dying needlessly, tomorrow...I'm just saying if he did die, other people, more people, would live. That's a fact."
- Bill Maher 

",,,I want to spit on them,,,knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads."
- Washington Post writer Courtland Milloy

"Michele [Bachmann], slit your wrist. Go ahead...or, do us all a better thing [sic] Move that knife up about two feet. Start at the collarbone."
- Montel Williams

"...And then there's Rumsfeld, who said of Iraq: 'We have our good days and our bad days.' We should put this SOB up against a wall and say 'This is one of our bad days' and pull the trigger."
- From a fundraising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Florida Democrat Club

"Get up in your neighbor's face...If they bring a knife, we bring a gun!"
- Barack Obama

"[G]o to the hill, today...get in the face of some congresspeople!"
- Sen. Cory Booker

"If I had my way, we'd see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees!"
- Stephen Crockett of Democratic Talk Radio

"May your children all die from debilitating, painful, and incurable diseases."
- Allan Brauer, communications secretary for Sacramento's Democrat Party, to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter.

"...I personally think [Republicans] should be exterminated before they cause any more harm."
- Village Voice theater critic Michael Feingold

"I want a rhino to fuck speaker Ryan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY..."
- Filmmaker and longtime Democrat contributor Jos Whedon

"I wish they [Republicans] were all fucking dead!"
- Village Voice columnist Dan Savage

"When they go low, we hit harder!"
- Michael Avenatti

"Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzzcut, get headfucked by a big, veiny, ashy, black dick and get locked in a cupboard!"
- Pop star and apparent rape enthusiast Azelia Banks

"Fuck that dude. I'll smack that fucker's comb-over right off his fucking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump I'd punch him in his fucking face. And that's not a joke...Secret Service had better just fucking be on it. Don't let me be anywhere within a block."
- Rapper Everlast


Following the Trump election, I published "That a Man Can Again Stand Up: American spirit vs sedition during the incipient Trump Revolution." In a chapter titled "Fascism comes to America under the name 'Resistance,' I observed the burgeoning trend among liberals for political violence:

And wherever the Resistance appeared, its most militant, black-clad, and masked members also were often in violent evidence. Calling themselves Antifa, for "anti-fascist," they enthusiastically wreaked fascistic terror -- physical assaults, arson, property destruction, and the 'shutting down' of any political or social speech with which they disagreed.

Mobs of Antifa street-terrorists in uniform ersatz-ninja costumery disrupted numerous pre- and post-election Trump and free-speech events, as well as ones featuring scheduled conservative speakers like Milo Yiannopoulos, Heather MacDonald, and Charles Murray. In Berkeley, in February, 2017, violent Antifa thugs were involved in three public brawls with ideological adversaries, including at one event celebrating free speech.

The third event to be attacked by destructive Antifa criminals was a "Patriots Day" rally. Footage depicts masses of violent, black-clad and masked Antifa thugs exploding enthusiastically in barbarous bedlam. 

Mass-assaults were perpetrated, fists flew, and blood ran. All to stifle patriotic speech. In America...

The rioting Resistance/Antifa movement is not the typical, knee-jerk, generational rebellion against whatever had preceded. It is a furious, anti-democratic lunacy whose college-age troops advance the interests of elder political players, just as youthful Nazi skinheads once served the cause of aging bigots like Tom Metzger.


Democrat political violence is not new. History records it was Democrats who founded the cross-burning and lynching Ku Klux Klan. Today, they deceitfully claim otherwise. (Nor do they acknowledge the 1965 Civil Rights Act passed with greater Republican than Democrat congressional endorsement.)

(From StopRacism101.weebly.com)

(From LawReport.org)

Given the repulsiveness of the unAmerican, terrorist Klan, the inclination of current-day Democrats to be disingenuous about their odious parentage is understandable. But that calculated dishonesty is also unforgivable, especially given their deceitful attempts to attribute their own KKK-baby to Republicans.

Democrats have traditionally pushed violent political thugs from the Klan to the Weathermen to the Black Panthers to Black Lives Matter to Antifa.

(From GOPReload)

As rioting street-hordes swell, mainstream Democrat politicians, commentators, and advocacy groups not only refrain from criticism of left-wing political terrorism, but explicitly court the favor of its masked, destructive, assaultive, and screaming foot-soldiers. 

The immature, imbecilic, violent Frankenstein monster they're enabling, insofar as it urges against the very elections and institutions upon which office-holders depend, will one day turn its fire on present-day patrons in high positions. Foolish politicians who today indulge them may well come to rue their myopic opportunism.


I don't for a moment believe the rancid illustrations presented are representative of all Democrats. I know they aren't, from personal experience. 

I came out of a Democrat (and later, Green Party) background. I have family and friends in the Democrat Party. And I know they would have no truck with violence or hateful rhetoric. They and I simply see things differently and have differing values. 

All of which is, of course, legitimate. 

Responsibility for rampant liberal law-breaking, though, lies not only with the relative few in headlines, but the many in the workaday world who ignore the ugly reality of bloody Democrat terrorism. 

This isn't about who wins a given election, or occupies an institution. This is about having elections and institutions. 

Chanting "Not my president," attempting to forestall democratic governmental operation, shutting down the free speech and organizational efforts of ideological opposition figures, immoral harassment campaigns targeting political adversaries, and seeking to disrupt the proper activities of judicial system representatives are not manifestations of legitimate citizen activism.

The sole ambition motivating Democrat terrorists, whether they wear Klan robes, Antifa masks, or politicians' sports jackets, and whether they sit on Washington thrones or prowl American streets in fanged packs, is the acquisition and permanent harboring of jackboot authority. 

"The Democrat Party has become the party of crime," President Trump has correctly noted.


(From InsiderOnline.com)

Civil libertarian and historic civil rights champion Nat Hentoff, in a column he penned toward the end of his noble career, asserted that he would be inclined to endorse a Republican presidential candidate over a Democrat one. 

He felt Republicans were more inclined to support constitutional guarantees and protections of citizens' free speech and due process interests. The Democrat Party he had traditionally supported, Hentoff felt, had become so radical that it was dead-set on shredding the Constitution the columnist had dedicated the majority of his life to advocating in the streets, the classroom, the courts, numerous books, public debate, and on the newspaper page.

During the Kavanaugh hearings, as Democrats sent vile threats to officials and sought to gum up judicial operations, I wondered what the late voice for liberty might make of it all. His judgement of Democrats would probably be both on point and acidic.

Freedom of speech and the rights of the accused were once liberal touchstones. So were proper revilement of racial prejudice, support of democratic processes, and robust advocacy of intellectual freedom and ideological diversity.

In this 'shut it down' era, though, those fine matters have been jettisoned by a Democrat Party that, we now inarguably see, no longer values them. (Assuming that it ever sincerely did.)

Political speech is ground beneath Democrat boot heels on campuses and by the barons of Big Tech. Due process is no longer thought to be imperative to the realization of justice, but instead counterproductive to its mission.

In 1956, good people were rightly contemptuous of racists who slurred blacks and Jews. But in 2018, it is not at all unusual to hear Democrats sneering that "old white men" are, as a group whose sole unifying characteristics are immutable ones, undeserving of basic human respect and inherently evil.

(That last is not really much of a philosophical stretch for Democrats, recalling that party's principal role as KKK founder.)

Those whose devotion to matters of principle is solid are not swayed from adherance by political partisanship. They stick to their beliefs, uncaring as to the winds of the moment.

Others, as Hentoff came to realize, merely mouth sweet songs of equality and justice depending entirely on the transitory interests of The Party.


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