Monday, August 26, 2024

Tammy Bruce open letter to Kerry Kennedy

Led by Kerry Kennedy, members of the Kennedy family publicly attacked RFK Jr for supporting Trump. Commentator Tammy Bruce posted to X the open letter she'd written in response.

"An open letter to Kerry Kennedy:

"You people are awful. Despite your family's checkered past and horrible behavior of so many of the men, Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief.

"Despite the questionable establishment of your family's wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things.

"But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. Never a word for the trail of abused or abandoned women left behind by a Kennedy, but because one of your men supports Trump in an effort to make the lives of Americans better, that alone is beyond the pale.

"In your ugly treatment of your brother you reveal the rot that has broken the hearts of the American people so many times over the years.

"Beyond that, the economic destruction of American families is something your family would never truly understand. You are not touched by the worry about having enough gas to get to work, or whether or not you can afford eggs this week, if you'll be safe walking your own neighborhood, or if your child will be safe in their urban public school or even if they will know how to read and write while collecting their diploma.

"You keep doing civil rights work and public service virtue signaling. But in the meantime, make a pledge to not keep doing damage as Americans are simply looking for a way to reclaim their own futures, the safety of their families, and knowing that maybe, just maybe, they can leave their children a little better off w a future they can rely on.

"The condition of this country should shock everyone, even if their name is Kennedy. We know it at least shocks one of you who, like us, has had enough of the fear and hopelessness assigned to us for generations.

"Americans are happy to see Bobby on our side as we refuse to comply and will not go gentle into the catastrophes to which we are expected to succumb. Instead, with Trump and all who join us, we will fight, fight, fight!"

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The fabrication called Kamala

Joe Biden received some 14 million 2024 primary votes, but that mattered not to Democrat elites. They shoved the warhorse party loyalist into oncoming traffic and installed identity box-checker Kamala Harris. 

If party bosses reasoned grassroots donkeys would acquiesce, they were proven correct. 'Vote blue, no matter who' sorts immediately hefted Harris and her radical running-mate "Tampon Tim" atop shoulders.

As the adage holds: If you want loyalty, buy a dog.

Kamala Harris is the most laboratory concocted presidential aspirant that has ever clambered onto a stump. A maniken, albeit an ever-giggling one.

Not that she doesn't have beliefs and ideals. She does. Those include abolishing private heath-insurance in favor of government-run care, defunding police, abolishing ICE, granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens (whose votes would dilute those of legitimate citizens), letting males invade females' sports-teams and privacy, limiting Americans' red-meat consumption, legislating chemical and surgical "gender-affirming care" for children, and mandating that every American driver must operate an electric vehicle.

Should Harris ascend to White House occupancy, the real subversive would leap into the spotlight. But for now, those orchestrating her effort hide her extremist ideology, calculating that a false image is more viable. 

1 - As noted above, she was not chosen in a democratic primary where participants had the opportunity to consider her against competitors and their ideas. Harris was installed by Washington powerbrokers who underscore irrelevant characteristics. 

2 - Her campaign coordinators had her scripted and staged phone-calls to the Obamas and Walz filmed for public release. Of course Harris giggled throughout. Some people do laugh at their own jokes.

3 - The cynical game-players manipulating Harris apparently insist that the candidate avoid press conferences, only read contrived remarks (written by others) from teleprompters, and allow her name to be put on calculated, staff-drafted statements.

4 - She has flip-flopped on numerous issues, claiming more palatable positions than she is on record as having previously enunciated. (But to her handlers' certain dismay, damning video evidence abounds online.) As of this writing, she has stolen two Trump proposals: No tax on tips and a child tax credit. Additional thefts and flip-flops by her will surely follow, should those choreographing her effort deem them situationally advantageous

5 - Just days ago, the Harris/Walz campaign mounted an event at Primanti Bros sandwich shop in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Prior to filming, actual patrons were reportedly  booted from the premises and replaced with actors who pretended to be sandwich shop customers and who hailed artificial Harris.

(One recalls that the vice-president once sat for filming while telling several 'schoolchildren' about space. The kids were subsequently revealed to be actors hired for the stunt.)

6 - To date, zero policy proposals appear on Harris's website. No issues are even mentioned. That amorphousness allows her to evade definition. Sympathetic media voices urge her to avoid specifics that might prove damaging.

She is a woke action-figure that can be postured however best advances the interests of the left-wing machine that puts her forward and that would calculate policies, should she prevail.

Some contrary commentators opine that small Harris campaign-event crowds mean equally few will vote for her in November. But while liberal voters may find her uninspirational and so stay away, their irrational hatred of Trump will likely engender large election turnout. Remember, Biden's 2020 events also drew smatterings, but his eventual poll endorsements were far greater in amount. 

In November, people will vote for Harris despite being unimpressed with her. They despise Trump and MAGA Americans with so strong and irrational a passion that they would sooner endorse America's continued ruination than see our country improved by Trump.

And if that means devoting precious ballots to a fabrication, so be it.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Whistling past the graveyard

As Breitbart reported, radio host Charlamagne Tha God donned rose-colored lenses during a Sunday interview on ABC's This Week.

"It's definitely a lot of main character-energy on the Democratic ticket. We know who Kamala Harris is. She has super main character energy."

He later added: "People keep calling this the 'honeymoon phase.' I don't think it's a honeymoon phase."

That bubbly appraisal reminded strongly of a similarly cartoonish notion offered on MSNBC not long ago.

In the March 6th broadcast of Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough glared into the camera.

"Start your tape now, because I'm about to tell you the truth. And f you if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever...If it weren't the truth, I wouldn't say it."

Of course, the millions who subsequently cringed at Biden's shambolic debate spectacle realized the actual truth. 

Scarorough may have regretted his stilted positivity. There's a lesson in this for Charlamagne.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Recent ghoulishness in character for left    

The hush that followed President John F. Kennedy's 1963 Dallas murder was a matter of universally shared basic decency. 

But that was then. Today, if a conservative GOP figure fell to a lunatic's bullets, leftists would freestyle on the coffin-lid. 

Weeks ago, the world watched in shock as Donald Trump sank to a Butler, Pennsylvania stage-floor. Blood spurted from an ear and crimson rivulets coursed across his cheek.

Fortunately, the attempted murder failed. And voices on all sides remained properly still. But only briefly. For unlike in the Kennedy example, 2024 political adversaries' restraint quickly faded. 

Only hours following, Jacqueline Marsaw, an aide to Mississippi Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson, said on X: "I don't condone violence, but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time ooops that wasn't me talking." 

In the face of outrage, Thompson fired Marsaw. But her vile sentiment may have reflected the congressman's own perspective; not long prior, he had drafted a bill that would have denied Trump Secret Service protection.

FBI employee Jenna Howell posted a Facebook meme that depicted the Grim Reaper at a claw-machine. "Awwww so close," read the caption. Howell was later reassigned to another FBI position -- not fired -- but only after public criticism.

Biased press outlets also contributed to the disgrace.

"Secret Service Rushes Trump Off Stage After He Falls At Rally," was a CNN headline. And "Trump May Not Have Been Shot After All," was a subsequent Newsweek article. (The title was later changed.)

Hollywood, too, had perpetrators.

On X, Star Wars actor Mark Hamill expressed cursory gratefulness Trump survived, but then leveraged the moment to attack the 45th president's stalwart NRA support. Hamill later ridiculed Trump's needed bandage.

In his own post-shooting X post, John Leguizamo giggled: "Not even a scratch! But milk it for all you can!" To that abhorrent message, he appended 'proof' - a Trump photo critics revealed dated from 2022. Free of shame, Leguizamo did not delete the fraud.

Add in numerous grassroots social media posters that ladled related perversity in heaping measures. Such poison-hearted cheerleaders do not sport "Make America Great Again" caps.

The left realized Trump was an inspirational martyr. That could imperil ballot-booth fortunes. The relish with which they then strived to deny him due respect -- even mocking his still-fresh wound -- demonstrated meagerness of good character.

But no observer can rightly claim astoundment. That many leftists now guffaw morbidness has precedent. For decades, the post-JFK Democrat Party has championed killing. That includes abortion with absolutely no restrictions on time or reasons. 

Advocates' refusal to accept any restrictions at all means, at their positions' logical extreme, even day-of-birth and post-birth killings would enjoy sanction. (Witness Democrat former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam).

With Democrats' ice-blooded approval, millions upon millions of babies have been slaughtered, including because of sex selection (are we China?), disability (such persons are undeserving of existence?), and selfish convenience (lifestyle preferences and career opportunities outweigh the wondrous Spark of Life?).

Post-JFK Democrats' urge to usher death also includes embrace of European-modeled assisted-suicide. Partisans sometimes euphemize it as the supposed "right to die." But it is just killing, and that's all it is.

Since the 1988 defeat of Michael Dukakis, Democrats speak little of opposition to the death penalty. I maintain my own contrariety and, though a dedicated Trump-backer since 2015, disagree with him on the matter.

Clear-visioned critics term the Democrat Party "the party of death." Given their happy jigs following the attempted Trump assassination, Democrats cannot protest the sobriquet is inaccurate.

Leftists' conviction is that mortals are ultimate arbiters of human life and that the secular State possesses supreme authority. Traditional liberals may hold to faith out of of habit, but they put the Divine in the back seat and let temporality do the driving.

When Trump heroically rose from that Butler stage, bloody but unbowed (to quote poet Henry), he thrust a clenched fist aloft and grimaced "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Tens of thousands at the site cheered thunderously. Surely, tens of millions glued to video screens across America did the same. 

"There was blood everywhere," Trump later told an RNC convention audience. "But I felt very safe because I had God on my side."

In that horrendous Butler moment, we all witnessed strength resilient despite murderous assault. Patriots stood united. Some ventured Trump won November's election that afternoon. Perhaps.

But a second lesson is that today's Democrat Party is not the one of JFK's time. Now, office-holding agitators' thirst for power shamefully surpasses their regard for human decency. 

That's between them, their consciences -- and American voters.

Patriotic wisdom of ages                                                                  

I grew up in the '60s and '70s. Decades before, my grandfather, Charles Russell, had served in Iowa's National Guard. A dated 8x10 of him, posed and in uniform, was propped in a prominent spot in the simple home he made with my grandmother, Myrt.

As a pre-teen and together with siblings, I spent many weekends visiting my grandparents. And I can still see that honored photograph. 

As the regrettable hippie revolution sprawled, I fell victim to its siren call of unAmericanism. Drunk on youthfulness and clumsy loyalty to an ideology I didn't really understand, I sometimes challenged my grandfather on weighty matters.

He was by then a member of Marshalltown's Legion of Guardsmen chapter. To his credit, he never grew annoyed while countering my silliness. He probably was amused by the know-it-all attitude of a youngster who hadn't yet circled the block.

That was the time of "America: Love It Or Leave It" bumperstickers, and Merle Haggard singing: "We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse" in "Okie From Muskogee." 

I joined the 'in' crowd by adopting adversarial postures despite my tenuous grasp of important topics. I didn't even know that I knew little. But being a psychedelic mutineer seemed great fun to a lack-witted juvenile who'd never worked for a paycheck.

I later realized one can spend the first part of their life trying to change everything, but for rest of their days they'll wish everything hadn't changed. 

It is true that some things must be rectified in order that the U.S. can become the "more perfect union" the founders envisioned in the Constitution's preamble. The historic document they wisely crafted makes imperative improvement possible. That is part of its genius. 

It was popular pressure from the 1960s Civil Rights movement led by the Rev. Martin Luther King that forced politicians to ensure equal justice under law. That was a positive stride. And the earlier grassroots demand for women's enfranchisement also produced betterment.

But it is crucial for neophytes to grasp that many cultural and political phenomena were already sound when they entered the room. Only a callow radical would argue absolutely everything merits razing. 

- Once, office-holders were expected to prioritize American economic and other interests over those of foreign nations. 

- Once, citizens weren't divided into "communities." We were united. Americans without hyphens. 

- Once, men were men, and women were women. That was how God created us. Rational people understood and accepted that.

- Once, all babies were welcomed by intact families and loved.

- And it wasn't too many years ago that regular, hard-working people could easily afford gas to reach their jobs and put decent meals on the family table.

When Donald Trump, still bandaged after he'd survived an attempted assassination, rose on the July Republican convention stage, he declared in a stentorian tone: "Just like our ancestors, we must now come together, rise above past differences. Any disagreements have to be put aside, and go forward united as one people, one nation, pledging allegiance to one great, beautiful -- I think it's so beautiful -- American flag."

My grandfather surely understood love of country when he sat for that 8x10. I do now.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Washington Harris campaign advocate: 'F--- the white women!'

Bigotry based on skin-color is invariably immoral and unjust, regardless of its practitioner, target, or supposed rationale. That poison now has been linked to Kamala Harris.

"F--- the white women! Excuse me, forget the white women!" spat present-day Harris advocate Cora Masters Barry in a 2020 Zoom call

Barry is the widow of late D.C. Mayor Marion Barry and an appointee of current D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. 

Of course, were a Trump advocate to utter similarly race-based viciousness, Democrat-acquiescent press outlets would shout scorchings from mountaintops. 

Also participating in that 2020 call were Barry's friend and reported National Coalition on Black Civic Participation leader Melanie Campbell and Rolling Out CEO Munson Steed. Upon hearing Barry's snorted derision, Campbell reared back, laughed heartily, and clapped. Steed smiled appreciatively.

Barry said of the then-ongoing 2020 Trump campaign: "They got all their people, they got all the trailer parks all covered. All the people in West Virginia and the hills. They got 'em all the way there to Wall Street. He did that. And we sittin' here talkin' about the white women? F--- the white women! They gonna do what the white man tell them to do."

She gave further vent to her harbored foulness: "They be smiling in their faces, they want to stay in charge. I don't care nothing about them, we gotta do what we gotta do."

Barry also said she doesn't "want no women's parade...If they have another Women's March, I'll go over there and blow it up!" (Ironically, she reportedly served on the 2019 Women's March Steering Committee.)

Per an Aug. 2, 2024 New York Post story, Campbell "was also critical of white women who have cast their votes for Trump, saying 'race' and 'white privilege' were driving factors and that she didn't understand how they could support someone who 'disrespects you as a woman.'"

According to the Post, a spokesperson for both Barry and Campbell defended the "white women" slur.

Also during that 2020 Zoom call, Barry compared Trump's massive following to the Democrat-engendered Ku Klux Klan: "I'm not saying everyone who voted for Trump is wearing a white sheet, but they got one in their closet, and it comes out when we start messing with the economic value or the balance of power."

The Post observed "Near the end of the Zoom call, Barry said it is a 'perfect time' to mobilize black voters and push their agenda 'because there's a lot of white-guilt money out there.'"

Later, in 2022, Barry lavished praise on Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan had previously termed Jews "wicked" and "Satanic," assailed whites as "blue-eyed devils," and sneered Christianity was a "made-up white man's religion."

"I love you more than words can say!" Barry reportedly gushed to the evil-hearted Farrakhan.

Were Kamala Harris decent about this, Barry and Campbell never would have been allowed to march in her parade. The pair should today be ushered to the curb. But don't wager cash on that occurring.

The Post disclosed that the two have "visited the White House more than 50 times combined during the Biden Administration, including nearly a dozen visits with Harris or her staff..."

Barry and Campbell are connected to the Washington Democrat machine through both marriage and issue agitation. Ejecting them from the Harris effort, even given their odious attitudes, would likely rile progressives. So expect Harris to maintain her bond with them.

While Barry and Campbell's link to Harris potentially poses threat of white-women vote erosion, this revealing story may be ignored by the media at large. 

Besides, given this particular racial bigotry's practitioners and targets, irrational white liberal-guilt would surely class the venom as merited.

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