Friday, July 26, 2024

Harris in 2014: 18-24 year-olds "stupid" (video link)

Fake News strivings to rehabilitate and promote Kamala Harris (and harm Donald Trump) often escalate to cartoonish plateaus:

- They've denied  Harris ever held Border Czar responsibility. (She did.)      

- They've scrubbed her 'most liberal senator' assessment. (She was so rated.)

- Newsweek now even disputes that Trump was shot. (Don't believe your lying eyes.)

Now, those amassing examples of Democrat-friendly media dissembling can add this to their file cabinets:

On May 8, 2014, Harris addressed a Ford Foundation audience. Wednesday evening's Hannity featured a related video-clip in which the then-candidate exclaimed that 18-24 year-olds are "stupid" and make "really bad decisions."

(Dinesh D'Souza, among others, had shared the video on Youtube in 2022.)

While it's generally accepted that the human mind is not fully developed until 21 or so, calling those in the 18-24 age group "stupid" is more derogatory and mocking than scholarly. Besides, Harris can't consistently contend persons in said group (and much younger) are capable of making life-changing decisions about puberty blockers and related surgeries.

Here is the full Harris quote: "What's the other thing we know about this population -- and it's a specific phase of life; remember, age is more than a chronological fact -- What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid! That is why we put them in dormitories. And they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions!"

After D'Souza and others online circulated the damning clip in 2022, press propagandists sharpened their pencils. 

USA Today, Reuters, and AFP all sped to publish "fact checks" (here, here, and here). All mounted essentially the same argument: that persons circulating the video evidence of Harris spouting the slur failed to mention that she made it during a speech on youth crime.

But that disproved nothing. Her defamatory statements were declarations of general belief, not exclusive to the subject at hand. None of the media venues succeeded in their attempted mop-up.

That a so-called "fact check" had made print, though, was sufficient for partisan skullduggery. If pressed, Harris's defenders could simply wave the supposed absolutions as if the matter had been neutralized.

One hopes the footage Hannity broadcast Wednesday will soon go viral, for it reveals presumptive nominee Harris's actual opinion. And voters deserve all relevant candidate information prior to formulating ballot judgements.

Should the clip gain fresh currency, new media exercises to cover for Harris can be anticipated. Such will surely point to deceptive 2022 "fact checks."

Current reports are that the Harris campaign is pursuing a "Brat" strategy to attract youthful voters. They do constitute a potentially pivital bloc, and their support is heatedly desired.

One doubts Harris tells them what she honestly believes about 18-to- 24 year-olds.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala Harris joke isn't really funny 


Because Kamala Harris giggles incessantly, she always seems to have just concluded a dental visit. 

While she does adequately enough with teleprompter guidance, when speaking extemporaneously she ushers listeners into a discombobulated land of bafflegab.

For that reason, a possible debate between her and astute, bullet-scarred patriot Donald Trump would be the greatest show on earth. American voters would supply the laugh-track.

Were legacy press operatives bias-free, they would have a record of trumpeting her rhetorical pratfalls, just as they ridiculed Dan Quayle.

Examples of her imbecility do abound. See if you can decode them; this writer isn't fluent in gibberish. (For full effect, imagine Harris punctuating this nonsense with her characteristic cackling.)

"Culture is - it is a reflection of a moment in our time, right? And in present culture is the way we express how we're feeling about the moment. And -- and we should always find ways to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy, because every -- you know, it comes in the morning. We have to find ways to also express the ways we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too." (Source: White House transcript.)


"So, I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time -- and certainly this one -- to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future." (Source: White House transcript.)


"We were all tourng the library here and talking about the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So, when you think of it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, and what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about the day of the life of our children." (Source: WFVX report.)

One more:

"So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that's wrong." (Source: The Federalist article.)

She might as well have added an 'e' to the word "potato."

Activists-in-journalists'-clothing have long turned their gaze from the vice-president's verbal buffoonery. Some misrepresented her as a sharp-witted trailblazer of stout timber. Others squealed like teenaged fan-clubbers.

For example, following her recent televised address to campaign staffers, MSNBC commentator Donny Deutsch gushed: "I was like, I kind of fell in love with her!"

Of course, her risable mouthings could be excused, had she a history of respectable vice-presidential accomplishments. 

But despite Harris having been designated "Border Czar," she appears to have done nothing to turn back the flood of illegal immigrants invading the United States across our southern border.

Resultantly, America is besieged by unvetted millions eager to displace native-born workers (both unionized and non-union) by accepting lower wages. Unable to sustain capacities given ballooning demand, our hospitals and social services will crumble. Of what possible benefit is that to anyone? 

Too, we're now vulnerable to foreign rapists, marauding gangs and other violent criminals, in addition to sex and drug traffickers. 

And potential terrorists. One would think 9/11 had never happened.

(Sadly, the United States already has indigenous wrongdoers. Welcoming additional ones from external lands is irrational.)

In point of fact, Harris co-owns the entire egregious Biden White House output. She publicly claims as much. That includes a Democrat drive to kill off American gas and oil production (thereby throwing thousands from employment), the threatening shadow of global terrorism, the afore-cited immigration crisis, and a dire economy whose ravages many average Americans pray to survive. 

Not to mention global weakness that has encouraged warfare in both Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Voices now warn WWIII might loom.

And remember that Harris is said to be even further gone into far-left unbalance than nominal boss Biden. That portends heightened national suffering. She would surely surround herself with 'woke' young Marxists who would propel damaging policies, including indifference if not hostility to Israel, the world's only Jewish state.

As much as we may shake our heads, then, in amused response to what are often termed Kamala Harris's "word salads," the spectre of spending future years struggling to endure further devastation and world-spanning peril makes chuckles fall away.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dunce-puffery onset

Mere hours following Joe Biden's withdrawal from 2024 White House competition, numerous online news sites ran a cloying piece that extolled the supposed virtues of possible Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris. 

Credited to AFP wire service, "Kamala Harris: Trailblazer Eyeing America's Last Glass Ceiling,"  was pep-rally praise for the progressive giggler. It read like a DNC promotional circular, or perhaps some unbalanced hard-sell propaganda from CNN.

The writer(s) who crafted the unsigned and disingenuous promotion chose to simply sweep away that Harris, as Biden's main associate, had to her credit thoroughly dismal job performance.

In the opening paragraph, she was hailed as Democrats' "best hope to stop Donald Trump's comeback." Not articulated was why toppling Trump should be desired; his America First reasoning had produced peace and prosperity before the Biden-Harris wrecking-ball came crashing along.

The cheerleading stressed Harris's various identity "firsts" -- Democrats are obsessed with box-checking -- and sang that she now stands "on the cusp of history." The vomitous paean lauded the vice-president for loyalism to Biden as "political vultures circled over his candidacy."

"The fact that Harris has blamed much of the criticism of her by Republicans on racism and sexism would likely make a win feel even more vindicating for her." Readers were thereby counseled that Harris-support was of a part with battle against such wrongs.

But her implied opposition to racially discriminatory practices was nowhere seen when she joined Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. Like several 1970s Democrat senators, he had inveighed against bussing to integrate schools. 

“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point!” Delaware Senator Biden thundered on a 1977 senate floor.

During a 2020 Democrat presidential debate, Harris recalled Biden's hostility as well as his senatorial companionship with fellow pro-segregation Democrats like erstwhile Klan leader Robert Byrd. That she subsequently allied herself with the rightly condemned Biden illustrated an appetite for power that exceeded claimed indignation.

The piece asserted Harris had constructed "an impressive CV," again underscoring identity strides. It noted her past position as California attorney general, though not her record of sending legions of black men to prison for marijuana-related offenses. (During a later interview, Harris laughingly conceded her own drug use.)

Her general fumbling was excused as endemic to "a job that has been known to flummox many office-holders."

At this point, weary of plowing through unmerited plaudits, I turned away. 

Expect similar press gushings in months ahead.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump foes blame victim          

Basic truths can be stated concisely. Here's one:

Monday, July 15, 2024

Recalling segregationist Biden            


There are many fine reasons to desire Joe Biden's political defeat, not least of which are preservation of nationalism over globalism, adherence to constitutional ideals, defense of electoral integrity, and, as recently caused millions to shudder, the faltering president's pathetic debate spectacle.

Another can join the crowd: Turning America's back on earlier times' racial injustices necessitates consigning ignoble perpetrators to obscurity. One such miscreant is Joe Biden.

Like several 1970s Democrat senators, he inveighed against bussing to integrate schools. 

“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point!” Delaware Senator Biden thundered on a 1977 senate floor.

A 2019 NBC News subheadline summed up the divisive senator’s impact: “Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.”

NBC’s story revealed that in 1975, Biden had sponsored legislation that limited courts’ authority to integrate schools, and also an amendment that prohibited the federal government’s withholding tax monies from segregated institutions.

During that era, chroniclers note, he maintained friendships with ardent office-ensconced segregationists James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, John Stennis, Strom Thurmond, and erstwhile KKK leader and long-serving Democrat Robert Byrd. During his later eulogizing of Byrd, Biden lauded him as a "mentor."

His fetid background returned to plague him during a 2019 presidential-candidate debate. Then-competitor Kamala Harris confronted Biden.

“There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school everyday, and that little girl was me.”

In that same encounter, Harris said: “It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country. It was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose busing.”

(Not long after this, of course, Harris dispensed with cultivated outrage and gigglingly became Biden’s vice-presidential colleague.)

When majority opinion evolved, career-politician Biden suitably reinvented himself. No longer did he preach the supposed virtues of school segregation. Old racist pals had become liabilities. Today, he does not speak of them.  

As a traditional Catholic, I believe in forgiveness and understand that people can change. One should not be forever condemned for past misdoings that no longer reflect character. 

But to my knowledge, Biden has never apologized for his wretched maneuvering to give legal armor to segregation, nor for camaraderie with similarly foul Democrat fellows. Instead, he contrives a false resume in which he agitated against the very rot he actually championed.

As a nation committed to leaving racial inequities behind, we cannot allow segegation's unrepentant proponents to enjoy enduring viability. We must slam the door and leave them behind it.

A version of this essay appeared on the American Thinker website.

Jocelyn Nungaray and larger, terrible reality          

Reports have detailed the horrific abuse, torture, and murder of 12 year-old Jocelyn Nungarary by two illegal immigrants. The sadistic, sexually perverted pair stole across the US/Mexico border during an ongoing invasion enabled by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

Poor Jocelyn now assumes rank among other victims of Democrat-encouraged illegal immigrant predation, including Laken Riley and Rachel Morin.

Only days ago, a Fox News Channel story spotlighted the nationwide nature of the barbaric phenomenon, citing teenage girl victims in New York, Houston, Maryland, Indiana, and elsewhere. That terrible truth substantiates the adage that 'every state is a border state.'

(As this essay was being prepared came gruesome news that an illegal Honduran immigrant had been charged with sexual abuse of a 12 year-old Iowa girl.)

Jocelyn, reports reveal, was tortured and otherwise abused for some two hours before being murdered. Her lifeless 12 year-old body was dumped into a bayou.

Facebook friend Carlos Ibarra directed this writer's attention to the fact that one of Jocelyn Nungaray's accused attackers, Franklin Pena Ramos, is being represented by Lisa Andrews. Andrews is the president of the Spring Branch (Texas) ISD Board of Trustees. 

Per accounts, Andrews did not request the case but was appointed to it by a court. But the Jocelyn Nungaray tragedy is hardly Andrews's maiden moment in abetting sex criminalty against an American female.

In a 2018 blog post, I noted her prior representation of Dr. Shafeeq Sheikh. After the deviant doctor had been convicted of raping a drugged and vulnerable patient in 2013, attorney Andrews helped the twisted degenerate avoid warranted imprisonment.

Our justice system ensures effective counsel for persons criminally accused. And that is as it should be; the despicable nature of the offense alleged has no bearing. 

In 1989's With Justice For None, attorney Gerry Spence argued defense counselors perform the constitutionally legitimate functions of providing accused citizens with vigorous representation and forcing prosecutors to prove cases. He correctly maintained such lawyers should not be assumed to sympathize with offenses alleged, nor to share related attitudes.

It follows that it would be unfair to suppose lawyers representing illegal immigrants endorse related crimes. No such allegation is intended, here. 

Still, one prays lawyers like Lisa Andrews never enjoy undisturbed sleep.

All this prompts estimation from a 10,000 foot remove.

Macro policies can include statistical minorities of unintended consequences. And that smaller percentage does not invalidate the greater body or its purpose. 

But when considering proposed initiatives, Americans must ask: What's in it for our country?  How would our national fortunes be advanced? 

We know that unlimited immigration would benefit immigrants themselves, as well as foreign nations that send them. But those considerations should not determine American policies.

Again, statistically minor negatives do not nullify preponderant upsides. But regarding illegal immigration, there is no 'upside' for America. 

Allowing the mass invasion of unvetted hordes, whose number necessarily includes criminals and mental defectives, does not enrich American culture.

We have, through decades of conversation and positive action, arrived at a sophisticated station where women's rights and liberties enjoy proper guarantee. Importing millions from less-developed cultures would not only be counterintuitive but demonstrably dangerous for female citizens. 

The American clock would be set back if foreign practices like routine domestic abuse, honor killings, female genital mutilation, forced attire restrictions, social and religious coercion, and electoral and economic disenfranchisement of women became the norm, here.

Unspeakable crimes on American girls and women by illegal immigrants would not be perpetrated if those foreigners were not here to begin with.

(Exactly that can be compellingly argued with regard to other crimes illegals perpetrate across the U.S., including homicides, attacks on police, hit and runs, and organized thefts.)

That our Southern border remains wide open, and that daily floods of mystery illegals invade our nation, is a terrible reality made possible by business interests lusting after cheap labor - to the detriment of American workers - and unprincipled politicians reaping lavish bankrolling for disserving constituents.

If for no other reason, and many powerful ones present themselves, let compassion for all the Jocelyn Nungarays determine your future ballot exercise.

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