Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Exposing a Fake News monger

Despite an unsympathetic Chicago Economic Club interviewer, Donald Trump excelled in the Tuesday afternoon event. He made strong cases for his positions on trade and other economic matters. And, by holding forth with characteristic bluntness and jocular swagger, he inspired attendees to loud bursts of cheering and applause.

Those wondering about interviewer/Bloomberg News Editor-In-Chief  John Micklethwait's knee-jerk contrary posture will find this background information of interest: 

A November 24, 2019 CNBC report (still up on CNBC's site) disclosed that EIC Micklethwait  had sent Bloomberg News  employees a memo advising them to give delicate treatment to then-Democrat nomination candidate Michael Bloomberg, as well as to all other Democrat-nomination aspirants.

"We will continue our tradition of not investigating Mike (and his family and foundation)," insisted Micklethwait. "And we will extend the same policies to his rivals in the Democratic primaries. We cannot treat Mike's Democratic competitors differently from him."

One is reminded of Trump's admonition that Fake News is the enemy of the American people.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

This essay of mine ran in the October 13 edition of the Cedar Rapids Gazette [IA].

Under Trump, patriotic fervor swelled as he put 'America First'                 

Last July, a Butler, Pennsylvania aspiring assassin's rifle-bullet thankfully failed to kill President Trump. Bloodied but standing tall, the inspirational candidate thrust a defiant fist into the air. It was a stirring moment. The iconic photograph is one for the history books.

And now, having survived a second murderous attempt, Trump still holds high liberty's lamp; his redoubled determination bespeaks courage to which all good Iowans aspire.

Should he prevail this November, we can expect national return to greatness. Consider how good we had it during the previous Trump Years:

'America First' guided every policy. That's common sense. Every nation's citizens should demand their leaders pursue native interests over others' at each turn. 

Our economy was robust. Wallets smiled. Store-shelves were crammed with food and other products people wanted. (Unfortunately, inflation and shortages arrived later, under the Biden-Harris administration.)

Americans could depend on Trump to protect jobs. He understood working people's concerns and crafted sympathetic policies. Manufacturing jobs were safe. Factories were incentivized to remain in (or return to) our land.

Gas prices were low. We didn't need other countries' oil since we were energy dominant. Labor in the domestic gas-and-oil industry thrived, allowing countless hardworking men and women to feed families, pay for childrens' education, and maintain comfortable living standards.

Trump imposed right and just tariffs on products foreign nations imported. That ensured fair trade, benefiting American businesses and consumers. And his tearing to shreds the odious NAFTA and replacing it with USMCA further strengthened our employment and trade positions. 

Sinister globalization was championed by voices who did not wish us well. But Trump slew that menace, ensuring future Americans will work and live in the sunshine of national health.

An adage holds that "A country without a secure border is no country at all." Trump was and remains aware of that. Owing to the strict border-law enforcement and wall-construction undertaken during his first term, numbers of unvetted illegals invading our nation plummeted. 

Trump embroiled our nation in zero new wars, a fact for which peace-lovers should commend him. One wishes more elected officials would emulate Trump. Calm, reason, and justice were the order of the day.

Some warn WWIII looms on the horizon. Trump's record inspires confidence that he would avoid such devastation.

Through muscular sanctions, Trump reduced to pauperism the government of Iran, the world's largest terrorism sponsor. He crushed ISIS. And he mounted and maintained vigorous anti-terrorism postures, crippling vicious adversaries' capacity for depravity.

Because maleficent tyrants the world over understood Trump to be a rock-ribbed defender of American interests abroad, they dared not cross him. America loomed strong and was respected. 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Palestinian terrorists' animalistic slaughter of Israel's Jewish men, women, and children -- even babies -- did not occur when Trump received his mail at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Only when the craven, substandard Biden-Harris team put up feet there.

Police uphold laws we the people pass through representatives that we elect. Given that, attacks on law enforcement can be rightly viewed as attacks on us. On civilization. While Trump stood in the Bully Pulpit, law and order were respected. Citizen admiration for the valorous men and women who stand between us and devastating anarchy became the norm. 

In the common-sense Trump Era, citizens were unabashed in their public celebration of all-important religious faith. And patriotic fervor swelled Americans' hearts. Waving Old Glory was again popular, as was singing the National Anthem and standing for the Pledge Of Allegiance.

All that can again be ours. All we must do is pull the correct vote lever.

Waterloo writer DC Larson is the author of That a Man Can Again Stand Up and Ideas Afoot. He counts among freelance credits Daily CallerThe Iowa Standard, and American Thinker. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Last week, this essay was published in the Marshalltown, Iowa Times-Republican newspaper.

The Trump Tank       

by DC Larson

In 1984's Tank, James Garner played a principled military retiree who challenged corrupt, small-town potentates. After he sought to meet with the governor and discuss his own son's judicial railroading, Garner's character became a national folk hero -- the proverbial little guy against callous City Hall.

Toward the movie's end, Garner's veteran strived to deliver to court a witness who had damning testimony about local officials. He slowly maneuvered a tank through a block-long, sustained hail of gunfire from snipers tactically arranged on building tops. They'd been deployed by guilty authorities to obstruct justice. 

Since Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, Democrat snipers have riddled his effort. They have maintained without pause attacks on him remarkable for viciousness worthy of MS-13.

There have been impeachment maneuvers, mendacious allegations of Russian collusion, attempts to erase him from states' ballots, lawfare skullduggery choreographed nationwide, and congressional kneecapping swipes. (Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger were just three RINOs who muscled in with ugly relish.)

Two assassins' thankfully unsuccessful bids to murder peoples' champion Trump remain under investigation. 

But while President Trump may be the ostensible target, it is the American people who are truly under assault. Our crime? Daring to think we can determine our own nation's course and choose a president who reflects traditional American values.

Every hour, they imperil us -- common Americans who throng to Trump's rallies, who believe government should represent citizens and fight for our interests every day and in every way.

Our country. The way it was in the classroom history books we grew up reading, when hardscrabble men and women from all walks of workaday life forged a new land, created a glorious experiment in liberty, built great industries, raised an economic powerhouse, and defeated terrible tyrannies like Nazism and Communism.

When we boosted Trump on our shoulders and buoyed him to the Oval Office in 2017, we were standing up for ourselves and for the ideals Real America represents: Fairness, equality, and a patriotic faith that is rightly proud.

The war against Trump and regular Americans is waged not only by career-politicians, but also by more psychologically tilted Hollywood deviants than you can shake a Weinstein at.

Evident from their words and actions is that the sneering poobahs of the ruling, propaganda, and entitled classes hate anything that imperils their death-clutch on power.

Of course, their neverending witch hunt against Trump is often within the rules. They designed those rules for their own, opportunistic employ. To safeguard their authority and crush popular dissent. T's are duly crossed, and i's are dotted.

And when their selfish crusade dictates they pursue obscenities beyond on-paper propriety, they simply rely on their beholden judiciary to grant them indulgence. And proceed merrily on their grotesque way.

There is a manner in which upper crust-bombardments can be turned to average people's advantage. Let enemies' bullets make more resolute your determination that we the people will stand strong in defending the candidate we chose over the disapproving sniffs of the powdered and pompous.

By giving President Trump the support he deserves, we can help the tank break through.

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