Sunday, March 19, 2017

(I recently wrote this letter for several Iowa newspapers.)

"I'll be the greatest jobs president God ever created!" Donald Trump boasted to roaring campaign-trail arena crowds. And even before he had assumed office, Carrier, Ford, and others announced expanded U.S. production. 

Trump's enabling Dakota Access Pipeline construction means more American paychecks. That means a stronger economy, with benefits accruing to retailers across the board. We all win: More food on the family table, more security.

Economy added 227,000 jobs in first report under Trump, said a February 3, Washington Times headline. The paper added: "the strong hiring surpassed expectations."

In January, Breitbart quoted AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praising President Trump: "Today's announcement that the U.S. is withdrawing from TPP and seeking a reopening of NAFTA is an important first step toward a trade policy that works for working people." 

Breitbart observed that Trump "has met with labor leaders and industry leaders, bringing them together on key issues like trade and fighting corruption -- building an entirely new political coalition..."

His "America First" credo and immigration attentions are refreshing after eight years of sovereignty-crushing, anti-American globalism. Illegal immigration means fewer paychecks available for actual citizens. 

This president is on our side.

President Trump puts working Americans' concerns ahead of job-killing globalist trade schemes. Which is exactly as it should be.

David Larson
322 E. Louise St.
Waterloo, Iowa 50703
ph 319-610-1584

(Under 200 words):

I'll be the greatest jobs president God ever created!" Donald Trump boasted to roaring campaign-trail arena crowds. And even before his November election, Carrier, Ford, and others announced expanded U.S. production. 

In January, Breitbart quoted AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praising President Trump: "Today's announcement that the U.S. is withdrawing from TPP and seeking a reopening of NAFTA is an important first step toward a trade policy that works for working people." 

"Economy added 227,000 jobs in first report under Trump," said a February 3, Washington Times headline. The paper added: "the strong hiring surpassed expectations."

Trump's recent enabling of Dakota Access Pipeline construction means more American paychecks. That means a stronger economy. Everybody wins:  More food on the family table. Benefits for retailers and the tax base. 

Breitbart observed that Trump "has met with labor leaders and industry leaders, bringing them together on key issues like trade and fighting corruption -- building an entirely new political coalition..."

His "America First" credo and immigration attentions are refreshing after eight years of sovereignty-crushing, anti-American globalism. Illegal immigration means fewer paychecks available for actual citizens. 

President Trump puts America first -- which is as it should be.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Ted Lieu/MSNBC: Fighting "fake" with fake

During a 3/18 MSNBC appearance, Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA), decried "fake news." 

"The best way to oppose fake news is for people to watch outlets like MSNBC, where you report real news, all the time," Lieu told host Ali Velshi. "Keep in mind, the president is scared that people will watch MSNBC. So, you must be doing something right."

Two problems.

One, barring Trump having confessed to being so "scared," Lieu couldn't possibly know such a thing. He just pulled that one out of the partisan ether he wheezes. 

(Irony: Fake news critic Lieu churned some, himself.) 

But, there's a larger issue: Lieu had co-sponsored a congressional expression against allegedly fake news. Who doesn't find troubling the concept of government bureaucrats deciding which reportorial speech is 'real news' and which illegitimate? 

Are such judgments even the proper province of Washington, DC officials? Shouldn't citizens have access to a broad range of perspectives and ideological analyses? 

Do not discount that this attempted delegitimazation of contrary information sources can do duty as a self-protection tactic for shadowy, secretive officials engaged in unethical practices. 

The more information we voters can consider, the better we can chart the course of our own government according to our own interests -- not Washington's, and not mainstream media's.

And the more easily we can detect the sort of fake news offered by Lieu and MSNBC.

(I first read of this in a Saturday post sent out by Louder With Crowder  host Steven Crowder.)

Friday, March 3, 2017

How fake news happens

A 3/3 Associated Press story noted that St. Louis, Missouri man Juan Thompson had been arrested for allegedly perpetrating numerous threats against Jewish institutions nationwide, including one phoned in to New York's Anti-Defamation League.

Thompson had apparently made the threats in an ugly effort to discredit a former girlfriend.

The AP account included essential information that conflicted with a sour liberal narrative familiar in this salutary Trump era of resurgent American pride. Similar to "The butler did it" cliche is today's partisan article-of-faith mantra "The alt-right is to blame." 

But this particular incident does not support that mantra. Thompson, a black man, had previously been on the staffs of pronouncedly Left media organs Raw Story and Intercept, the Glenn Greenwald endeavor. 

                                              Source: The Intercept

And the AP also observed that Thompson "was fired from the Intercept last year after he was accused of fabricating several quotes and creating false email accounts to impersonate people, one of whom was the Intercept's editor-in-chief, Betsy Reed." 

(Thompson had also confected quotes in an Intercept article about Dylann Roof, the thoroughly cretinous, racially bileful Charleston, South Carolina church shooter. Other media outlets later spread Thompson's manufactured stories to broader, trusting readerships.)

According to the AP article, the Anti-Defamation League said that Thompson had been "on its radar ever since he fabricated the story about Roof."

Iowa's KWWL ran a truncated rendition of the AP story on its website. But missing from its version, notably, were the very factors that conflicted with the liberal narrative. Thompson's color was not mentioned (the channel included no photo in its online version), nor his political affinities, as were apparent in his Left news site employment history.

This writer does not know if KWWL aired a more complete take in its TV broadcast. But whether the incomplete rendition on KWWL's online site was 'shortened for syndication' by the AP or one contrived by the station itself is irrelevant to the point that it was effectively deceptive. Undiscerning viewers were left with a false impression. 

And a counterfeit, partisan narrative was advanced -- with ominous consequences: "Alt-right = Nazis...need to be punched in the face," was one misled viewer's posting on KWWL's Facebook page.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Sen. Chris Murphy, CNN's Wolf Blitzer do the Fake News Shuffle

On the 3/1 broadcast of CNN's Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) claimed that no terrorist attacks in the US have been perpetrated by persons from any of the seven countries specified in the travel pause.

But, nearly two weeks previous, Martin Arostegui of the Washington Times had reported differently. 

"Nationals from seven countries listed on a travel ban issued by President Trump have participated in ongoing terrorist plots against the US, according to congressional and law enforcement reports that challenge the widely circulated media criticism that no one from those nations has ever staged a attack on American soil."

Arostegui cited his source. "A senate judiciary report last year found that of the 390 foreign nationals arrested on terrorist-related charges since the Sept. 11 attacks, 67 come from the countries listed in the travel ban." ("Terror plots against US planned by foreign nationals in seven countries on Trump's ban list" Washington Times 3/1)

Surely, given his position and responsibility, Murphy was aware of the falseness of his CNN claim even as he misled that channel's unwary viewers. Ironically, calculating dissembler Murphy had earlier smeared President Trump as a "liar." 

It is not at all surprising that the dodgy Blitzer allowed Murphy's anti-Trump lie to pass unchallenged.

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