Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hillary summons old specter for new terror

I once read it theorized that early Ku Klux Klan members had this reason for wearing white robes: They hoped to terrorize "superstitious" black Americans by looming in the night as risen deceased Confederate soldiers. Specters.

Hillary Clinton now alleges a philosophical affinity between Donald Trump and the (thankfully dwindling) Klan. Her newest TV ad makes much of footage of the robed and hooded miscreants.

Of course, no such link genuinely exists. Hillary doubtless hopes to divert attention from the "pay for play" State Department/Clinton Foundation racket through which she and her husband, predatory sexual deviant Bill, sought personal enrichment at national peril. And she surely hopes to reverse Trump's recent gains among black voters.

Black Trump backer Pastor Mark Burns immediately issued a vehement denunciation of her deceitful plot.

"Hillary Clinton and her campaign went to a disgusting new low today as they released a video tying the the Trump campaign with horrific racial images. This type of rhetric and repulsive advertising is revolting and completely beyond the pale. I call on Hillary Clinton to disavow this video and her campaign for this sickening act that has no place in our world." 

(Pastor Burns's acidic assessment is solidly in the pocket. But do not await assent from the mainstream media commentariat. Their dear loyalties lie not with principle, but ideological promotion. It is not for nothing so many deride CNN as the Clinton News Network.)

Another manifest ambition of Hillary's is the unilateral redefintion of "racism."

By its strict, accepted definition, racism denotes the odious, injurious, and flatly apocryphal notion that entire groups are superior or inferior due to peculiar, immutable biological characteristics.  Also, it follows, statements or actions issuing from that base fancy.

Hillary's reptilian artifice seeks to carry the goalpost to an intellectually illegitimate, wildly far distance. In this illogical redefinition, enforcing immigration statutes and national borders is of a type with cross burnings and lynchings. So, too, is the perfectly reasonable desire for vigorous law enforcement, including appropriate punishments.

Those are, of course, legitimate views held by Americans of various demographic characters. And they have traditionally been non-controversial. But we are now lectured to revile all such opinions, and anyone voicing them, as poisonous and ugly in caliber.

By extension, we are to similarly disdain any political opposition to her as representative of and ancillary to the wickedness of racial bigotry both contemporary and historical.

All Trump supporters, according to this spurious calculation, are homicidal hate-apostles of morbid order.

Trump earned the primary votes of millions of average, law-abiding, working Americans. His general election rallies break attendance records. 

Hillary's airy indifference to all of these citizens is most telling. 

In New Hampshire remarks Trump delivered prior to Hillary's meagerly-attended Nevada rally, he denounced her foul, false ballot-angling: "The news reports are that Hillary Clinton is going to accuse this campaign, and the millions of Americans who support this campaign, of being racists. It's the oldest play in the Democratic playbook. When Democratic policies fail, they are left with just this one, tired argument. It's the last refuge of the failed Democrat politician. They keep going back to this well, but the well is dry."

He added, "She's attacking all of the decent people -- of all backgrounds -- that support this incredible, once-in-a-lifetime movement."

Hillary's eager employ of hate group imagery for base electoral reasons, and her opportunistic endeavors at re-tailoring an accepted word definition, are by themselves sufficient for her dismissal from reasonable regard. 

But I do see something else. Something both old and new.

For, just as early Klansmen hoped to terrorize black Americans, so, too, has the Hillary campaign now hit on the same specter scheme, waving related imagery in a tawdry bid to scare black Americans into staying 'in their place.'

You might think even her above such sleazy stuntery. But then you remember that her name is Clinton.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Vote For Trump

My latest essay ran in today's Marshalltown (Iowa) Times-Republican newspaper.

Donald Trump appeals to a broad patriotic swath: voters who are actually proud to be Americans.
His call to "Make America great again" refers to re-establishing our political, economic, and military primacy in a hostile world. And to re-embracing important, fundamental ideals and principles.
We Trump voters believe in playing by the rules, and want to restore an atmosphere in which law and order, including law enforcement, are respected.
We are sick of disconnected mainstream media and Washington establishment dinosaurs looking down their noses at traditional Americans while growing fat off our tax dollars; all the while, they kowtow to foreign, primitive-cultured interests.
We reject the Obama/Hillary globalization scheme that moves US jobs overseas, leaving American cities destitute, factories empty, and citizens unemployed and in poverty.
We demand fair trade deals in which the legitimate interests of American workers, farmers, businesses, manufacturers, and consumers are protected and advanced.
We want a Supreme Court that honors the constitution, rather than "interpreting" its language in such ways as to deny original intent.
We believe in maintaining national sovereignty, and in fiercely enforcing our borders.
We welcome immigrants, but they must obey democratically-enacted laws and processes, and assimilate into our land. We've seen the horrors loosed in France, Germany, and other European nations when strange hordes streamed in, refusing to adapt to and respect existing culture.
We've seen Isis-related terrorist attacks over there, too. And we have borne sorrowful, angry witness to similarly-inspired acts of war in San Bernardino, Miami, and elsewhere here in the United States.
As Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have over decades received millions from radical Islamic terrorism-supporting nations, she would hardly be likely to mount an effective attack. She won't even say "radical Islamic terrorism." (Nor will President Obama.)
Trump correctly hails us as a movement. Together, we the liberated American people will joyfully kick over the status quo's cobwebbed table and vanquish the bi-partisan bureaucrat class. It has weakened our country with record debt, porous borders, domestic discord, military losses, mass unemployment, and feebleness in world affairs.
It is no exaggeration to say the national well-being, maybe even survival, depends on electing Donald Trump.

DC Larson

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hollywood holocaust
Gravy-swimming liberal celebs promote vile notions of ideological 'cleansing,' age-based mass deaths, violent racist anarchy

During a recent Dubai press event intended to promote his latest film, Suicide Squad, Will Smith offered a particularly ugly notion. The actor liked the Donald Trump candidacy, he said, because "We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country."

Smith's rhetorical gleaning from ghastly, corpse-strewn totalitarian-land was no slip. Appearing on the Jimmy Fallon-hosted Tonight Show, a month earlier, Smith said of the Trump campaign, "I think it's just a little darkness before the cleansing that we'll have as we move forward." 

Barely human, skull-splintering despots in mercurial lands of bleak despair have often sought to "cleanse" those despoiled territories of ideological dissenters. And Will Smith evidently thinks theirs a clever notion. 

In 2013, Oprah Winfrey told a BBC interviewer, "There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die."

Winfrey's obtuse fancy, that racial prejudice would vanish with the passing of a generation, is in two manners flawed. 

1) It ignores that far from all members of any one generation harbor identical notions. (She appears to be profiling.) 

2) Sadly, bigoted ideas find eager uplift by some in each successive generation. And so they endure.

Consider the Black Lives Matter movement. Ubiquitous online and on cable news are video evidence of that terrorist group's hate:

"Pigs in a blanket! Fry 'em like bacon!"

"What do we want? Dead cops! 
When do we want 'em? Now!"

Among Black Lives Matter bankrollers at the dizzying show business acme are rapper Jay Z and notorious anti-police siren Beyonce. Singers Bette Midler, Pink, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Justin Timberlake have offered vocal support for the riotous movement. 

(The names you just read, I'll note, would also appear on a Hillary supporters list.)

Sheriff David Clarke has rightly denounced Black Lives Matter as a "hate group" and "fraudulent." 

"These are nothing but riot makers, and they stoke up bitterness and resentment in people," he told one interviewer. "And they use the police as a distraction from the staggering failure of liberal politicians in these large urban areas where these ghettos are contained."

The group is, Clarke concluded, a "political construct that's developed and really turned out to be a get-out-the-vote and voter registration drive for the Democrat Party." 

Will Smith's endorsement of totalitarian " thought cleansing," Oprah's ill-considered generation theorizing, the Jay Z/Beyonce funding of race terrorists Black Lives Matter, and the public support offered that group by other stars -- all are of a part with the larger anti-liberty impulse increasingly finding purchase among the callow, imbecilic, and nihilistic. 

That impulse seeks only to destroy, not to create. To stifle contrary voices. To "shut down" anything not of its obstreperous mien.

It is a perilous swerve away from genuine freedom in which citizens think their own thoughts, speak their minds openly, and live according to their chosen lights. And toward totalitarianism, whose only offer is compliance or death. 

And it is, in significant part, a Hollywood production.

Her proud employ of evil ideation and grisly phraseology was not without settled intent. Such are of a part with the contemporary phiolosophy that, while white racial prejudice was a noxious wrong well smashed away, black racism is positive, just.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Newsroom killing floors

In the 1980s, Israeli singer Arik Einstein released "My Little Journalist." It quickly became popular among those disgusted by unaccountable gossip purveyors utterly unconcerned by the harm they engendered.

I take a backseat to no one in supporting a free and independent press, one that can expose wrongdoing, advocate for the public interest, challenge the powerful, and speak forcefully with neither fear nor favor. 

Far too often, though, that is an ideal unrealized. 

Sadly, the lyrics to Einstein's song aptly portray contemporary microphoned miscreants. 

"My little journalist

They write in the papers
What they want,
Castrate, derogatory 
and make a mess
No mercy.
get in to your bed,
Peep holes,
And what to do
There's no mercy for you

causing shame,
Hurting family,
If today was my turn
So tomorrow will be your turn,
The king has no clothes
We are all 
see him naked
but we are silent and don't get up

So how do you sleep at night
My little journalist?
How do you sleep?
What do you dream about at night?
After the shedding of blood
How do you sleep?
Man, how do you sleep?

They kill with words…
playing with your soul,
Where I ask
is the love?
They broke his heart!
So there will be a fight!

They write in the papers
Castrate derogatory 
and make a mess
No mercy.

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