Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I just received a fundraising email from the Bernie Sanders campaign. Below is my brief response.

Dear BernieSanders.com;

In 2004, I worked as Iowa coordinator for Ralph Nader. I am not now associated with Mr. Nader, and write exclusively on behalf of myself.

I'm familiar with Sen. Sanders' refusal since 2000 to respond to Mr. Nader's repeated calls and letters. I take that as a signal of profound disrespect not only for Nader, himself, but just as much for Nader supporters like myself.

With Nader's groundbreaking independent candidacy, average citizens had a real fighting chance to build a movement that could effectively counter the mammoth, greedy, unrepresentative two-party corporate state.

Sen. Sanders was of no help, then. I remember that disgraceful disloyalty, and certainly do not wish him success, today. He is a counterfeit.

DC Larson
Waterloo, Iowa.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Immigration hustlers to air lie on CNN

The National Immigration Forum Action Fund, on whose Board of Directors sits one Jeb Bush, Jr, produced a commercial set to air on CNN, including during the second Republican presidential nomination debate.

The ad contrasted archival clips of  Ronald Reagan with new ones of various candidates. But it did so with zero regard for accuracy; by its calculated promotion of a false narrative, the organization disqualified itself as a legitimate participant in the conversation.

As shown in the ad, Reagan in a 1989 speech characterized the United States as a "shining city on a hill:" "And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here."

Donald Trump is shown in abbreviated clips, criticizing immigrants and promising, "I will build a great, great wall."

Not shown in the National Immigration Forum Action Fund commercial is Trump's frequent declaration of support for legal immigration, including the very 'door' of which Reagan spoke.

"This will be a wall with a big, very beautiful door," Trump pledged on CBS Sunday, in August. "Because we want the legals to come back into the country."

If the National Immigration Forum Action Fund and Jeb Bush, Jr. feel they have a legitimate case to make, they should do so honestly. Not with this sleight-of-hand manipulation of video clip excerpts.

This commercial demonstrates arrogance, lack of integrity, and unhesitant willingness to lie to American voters for electoral gain.

It is at base phony.

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