Friday, February 21, 2025

Tom Hanks hates you          

It bears remembering that many show-business monkeys earn their status by catering to callow customers. Given that, braying whatever titillates that wet-eared market is probably judicious business reckoning, crucial to currying buyer favor. As goes the saw: The customer is always right.

Some publicly subversive limelighters may seize different levers in the voting-booth's cover.

But the above does not explain Tom Hanks. He hosts Barack Hussein Obama on his yacht in the south of France, and likely is sincere in his foulness.

In early 2016, Hanks said of then-candidate Donald Trump: "I think that man will become president of the United States right around the time that spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes."

President Trump is now in his second term.

Today's headlines tell of Hanks, on last week's Saturday Night Live 50th anniversary broadcast, mocking the tens of millions of Americans who buoyed Donald Trump to the Resolute Desk. 

Tiresomely, SNL writers and Hanks dragged out the threadbare stereotype of Trump supporters as drawling, white racist hayseeds of minimal intellect.

(An earlier iteration of this false and demeaning depiction was Obama's 2008 dismissal of working-class voters: "[T]hey cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..." the then-president trumpeted.)

Unfortunately common are entertainment luminaries who evince tremendous talents at their crafts but who, regarding political and cultural matters, seem to have skulls jam-packed with yellowish diarrhea.

Addle-pated though they be, they have no less right to opine on substantive topics than does the present writer. Free speech is a crucial factor in individual liberty, nevermind that most outspoken celebrities tend toward imbecility.

As Vice-President Vance recently declared in Europe: "In Washington, there is a new sheriff in town, and under Donald Trump’s leadership, we may disagree with your views, but we will fight to defend your right to offer it in the public square, agree or disagree."

No one disputes Hollywood subversives' right to spew inanities. Still, one wishes they would heed Laura I.'s admonition: Shut up and sing.

As for Tom Hanks, he should have stayed on that island.

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Trump resistance redux                                                                   

An unintended and negative consequence of President Trump's landslide victory is the emergence of a subversive element, one which seeks to defy American immigration laws. Perhaps they wrongly believe their illicit misdoings are justified by fantasized moral superiority.

One national example is New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who implied to a recent interviewer that he and his wife were considering harboring an illegal in their home: "Let's have her live at our house above our garage, and good luck to the feds coming in to try and get her."

Sadly, this canker has also been exemplified here in Iowa.

In January, Waterloo Superintendent of Schools Jared Smith issued an official advisory (in numerous foreign languages) to illegal students. He advised them how to impede American legal authorities. 

Dr. Jared Smith

Can a more anti-American attitude be displayed than one evincing contempt for our nation's legal champions, and for statutes enacted by democratically-elected legislative representatives?

After he'd shoehorned into the letter boilerplate language with which he professed respect for law, Smith boasted: "We will not share student information or grant law enforcement building access unless legally required to do so."

(Last February, accompanied by a Christian pastor friend, this writer braved Waterloo's dangerously frigid temperatures to support Trump in the Iowa caucus; Iowa did favor the Republican candidate. The event was convened in a school. At each desk was a fresh copy of far-left radical Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," which is fine. Students should consider ideas across the political spectrum. But I wondered whether opposing philosophies enjoyed equal schoolroom visibility.)

"Lastly, get the history books out," counseled former U.S. Representative Dave Nagle (D-IA), in a February 1 essay printed by the Waterloo Courier. (Full disclosure: The Courier has also published numerous pieces by this writer.)

Former U.S. Rep. Dave Nagle (D-IA)

"Study the Underground Railroad," Nagle continued. "For all those who, if given the time, could produce proper papers, pack them in your basement, give them the garage, hide them in your churches so we can organize a proper presentation of their right to be here...That will be your call when the federal government shows up."

Like Murphy, Nagle blatantly advocates challenging law enforcement. He skirts borderline criminality, broadly winking his scofflaw intent.

And that the former U.S. Representative would liken present-day, reprehensible Democrat anarchy to historic moral opposition to slavery is a howling offense deserving of the description 'surfboarding to status atop others' suffering.'

Most recently, Winneshiek County, Iowa Sheriff Dan Marx boasted in a February 4 Facebook post of his intention to do all he could to "block, interfere, and interrupt" ICE agents in the performance of their lawful duties regarding illegal immigration. 

Sheriff Dan Marx

Marx characterized U.S. citizenship laws as "unconstitutional." (Isn't that for the Supreme Court to determine -- and not the lowly "Sanctuary Sheriff" of Winneshiek County?)

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds directed the accessory-to-crime county official to acquaint himself with a relevant 2018-adopted state law. 

"Specifically, Iowa law provides a sheriff shall not adopt or enforce a policy or take any other action under which the sheriff prohibits or discourages the enforcement of immigration laws," she wrote.

"Iowa law further requires that a sheriff shall not prohibit or discourage a law enforcement officer from assisting or cooperating with a federal immigration officer as reasonable or necessary," the governor continued. "Including providing enforcement assistance."

Gov. Reynolds also spoke of pulling state funding from Winneshiek County. And Iowa Attorney General Brenna Byrd opened an investigation.

Each above-cited wrong recalls former Alabama Governor George Wallace, a Democrat, 'standing in the schoolhouse door' to prevent federal authorities from entering to racially integrate public schools. 

Former Alabama Governor George Wallace, Democrat

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Monday, February 3, 2025

Trump victory already benefiting Americans

After four years of anonymous White House functionaries enacting policies from under the shadow of a fast-fading slumberer, America has a bustling leader who maintains our interests uppermost on the list. 

"The golden age of America starts now," President Trump thundered in his inaugural speech.

His assuming of authority was an historic moment, one of magnitude few generations witness. The event was more than a ritualistic function; it signified that America is seizing back its position as the world's number one superpower.

Consider just some crucial victories the people's choice has to his credit, in just his first days behind the Resolute Desk:

- Locating and eliminating wasteful spending of millions of taxpayer dollars, through the Elon Musk-headed Department Of Government Efficiency.

- Billions (if not more) in new investments in our country's economy;

- Rigorous investigations (and potential prosecutions) of scheming politicos who choreographed nationwide lawfare against an electoral adversary;

- January 6 hostages released from years-long, unjust and tortuous imprisonment; 

- Illegal border invasions halved;

- Mass deportations of criminal gangs underway, bringing safety back to American streets;

- Biological males no longer allowed to participate in girls' and women's sports;

- An incoming (at this writing) executive order ridding our military of "transgenders;"

- Children protected from chemical harms and surgical mutilations perpetrated to "transition" the innocents;

- Advocacy of unborn babies' right to life, one manifestation of which is President Trump's nominations of contitutionalists to the judicial bench.

- An executive order barring states' use of federal monies for abortions.


Supposed allies will no longer take advantage of us in trade and defense matters. No more will taxes paid by hard-toiling U.S. citizens be misused to bankroll hostile nations whose peoples chant for our demise, countries that provide abundant support to murderous terrorists. 

And rightly trash-canned are inherently divisive DEI policies and programs that sprang from the pernicious falsity that one's pigmentation or genitalia are primary attributes. 

Our future tax revenues will not be squandered on scholastic indoctrination that encourages hatred of America, of Judaism, of Christianity. 

The antisemitism that has raised its death's head on colleges and universities nationwide is a morally despicable foulness, one to be smited at every turn. President Trump is the best American presidential friend Israel has ever had. His election illustrated Americans' foursquare support of our historic Middle East ally.

Like millions of my fellow citizens, I watched the 47th president's inauguration with satisfaction, pride, and a "happy days are here, again" optimism. It was the culmination of a massive push undertaken nationally by Americans of diverse descriptions to return our country to its foundational principles - like equality, individual liberty, and the God-given right of all men to speak their minds without fear of oppression.

Citizens must now put aside marginal disputes and join together to embrace the unity that is, and has always been, our greatest strength. In President Abraham Lincoln's immortal 1858 words: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Of the first attempted assassination of him, in Butler, Pennsylvania, President Trump once remarked: "I was saved by God to make America great, again."

Now, all citizens are benefiting.

Ruination awaits America's enemies

An unintended and negative consequence of President Trump's landslide victory is the emergence of a subversive element, one which seeks to defy American laws advocated by patriotic people's chosen leader.

This canker was recently exemplified in Waterloo, when Superintendent of Schools Jared Smith issued an official advisory (in numerous foreign languages) to illegal students. He advised them on how to impede American law enforcement. 

Can a more anti-American attitude be displayed than one evincing contempt for our nation's legal champions and statutes enacted by democratically-elected legislative representatives?

After he'd shoehorned into the letter boilerplate language with which he professed respect for law, Smith boasted: "We will not share student informtion or grant law enforcement building access unless legally required to do so."

It's reprehensible to teach Waterloo youth that non-compliance with authorities carrying out legal responsibilities is acceptable - even virtuous. By his own admission, the superintendent doesn't naturally have it in him to comply with related laws, but would do so only if forced.

Last February, patriotic Americans flooded polls to endorse then-candidate Donald Trump. Among salutary results of his landslide election is that ultimate ruination will surely befall America's domestic enemies.

Addendum: Last February, accompanied by a Christian pastor friend, I braved Waterloo's dangerously frigid temperatures to support Trump in the Iowa caucus. (And Iowa did favor the Republican candidate.) The event was convened in a school. At each desk was a fresh copy of far-left radical Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," which is fine. Students should consider ideas across the political spectrum. But I wondered whether opposing philosophies also enjoyed schoolroom visibility.

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