Wednesday, October 4, 2023

 This recent essay appeared on the American Thinker site:

Bring back HUACbut do it right            

by DC Larson

The original House UnAmerican Activities Committee deserved the condemnation it received. Citizens have the right to believe as they wish and belong to law-abiding political parties of their choosing. We should never suffer for political thought. 

Some declare there can be no such thing as ‘unAmericanism’ in a country where men have the liberty to believe however they see fit. But that is spuriousness. It falls to pieces under examination. A definition of Americanism would begin with the Constitution.

By design, it is open to democratic alteration. One can disagree with a given passage. But to challenge the entire document’s validity, and declare this nation, itself, to be illegitimate, are not matters of marginal amendment but wholesale rejection.

Those who don't respect that document are still American citizens whose rights deserve protection. But their status is merely geographic. They are unAmericans in America.

A new HUAC could advance the legitimate cause of national self-defense. That means focusing on subversive activities. 

A September post noted that Georgia was pursuing prosecution of 61 environmental activists connected to Antifa. 

"When Antifa is not committing the felony crime of arson in Seattle, WA or Portland, OR, they are organized to prevent conservative speakers from coming to events in dozens of college campuses across the country, they have been violently preventing speakers from presenting their messages," the site warned.

Also that month, the Post Millennial reported an Oregon Antifa blogger claimed responsibility for vandalism at the World Forestry museum.

The blogger asserted: "To truly defend the forests requires the destruction of capitalism altogether. Knowing there can be no dialogue with what must be destroyed, we turn to the attack." 

In 2022, USA Today noted that Black Lives Matter 2020 rioters caused two billion dollars of damages, including arson, for which 10,000 were arrested. That's not counting violence perpetrated against police, who are official representatives of the people and our laws. 

News footage from that disgusting period captured anonymous, armed Antifa hordes, in city after city, wreaking mayhem and defying the democratic order. They and BLM must be officially designated 'domestic terrorists' and prosecuted accordingly.

One cannot omit citation of the ongoing war against Donald Trump and his tens of millions of MAGA supporters. It has seen the perversion of governmental agencies like the DOJ and FBI, who expend countless hours and millions of taxpayer dollars to interfere with the legitimate workings of the electoral process in violation of popular sentiment.

Add in efforts to remove Trump from state ballots, denying citizens the ability to support the candidate of their choosing. In America.

Government has been infiltrated by prosecutors and judges who would frustrate the people's will by rendering Trump unable to participate in the electoral process. Not to mention Deep State bureaucrats who, during President Trump's service, sought to undermine his lawful decisions.

It is the Constitutional responsibility of government to safeguard the national welfare. The current atmosphere demands a new HUAC. But this time, it must respect civil liberties.


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