Thursday, February 12, 2015

Notes on SVU's passing
DC Larson 

I've never played electronic games (unless you count Pong), and have only passing knowledge of GamerGate. But I am a longtime viewer of Law and Order: SVU. Though I greatly prefer the reruns that USA shows, I sometimes watch new NBC episodes, too.

Scratch that last. I used to watch new episodes. The show has in recent months been careening downhill.

The last straw? I found the latest episode, "Intimidation Game," clumsily written and obnoxiously ham-handed in its 'men evil/women victims' preaching.
Again, I was a longtime SVU fan. So much so, in fact, that I felt an almost familial bond. But after "Intimidation Game," my disappointment was so profound that I decided to vent on Twitter:

It's sad when a friend passes. SVU used to be a superior show, with clever writing. And better lead actors.”

I didn't post that only on my own feed. I reasoned that those connected with SVU might well find viewer discontent to be of professional significance. So, I also sent it to various show-related Twitter feeds. (Some versions I sent substituted “I'll just watch reruns” for the “better actors” reference.)

Several Twitter users previously unknown to me retweeted my critical post. So I evidently was not alone in feeling displeasure.

But SVU showrunner Warren Leight was not quite so receptive. He immediately blocked me.

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